Alphonse Mucha

The official app for Alphonse Mucha exhibition held at Palazzo Pallavicini from 19 September 2010 to 20 January 2019.


Thanks to the simplicity and immediacy of use, the indoor location offered by the beacons placed in the halls of the building and the image recognition functionality, visitors were able to listen to the audio descriptions of the works without diverting attention from them.



A qualitative survey was conducted on more than 500 visitors who tried the app. In addition to valuable suggestions, they have proved very interested and enthusiastic for the simplicity of use and innovativeness. Almost all of them wished to have it available in next exhibitions.

Download the official app of the Alphonse Mucha’s exhibition at Palazzo Pallavicini from 29 September 2018 to 20 January 2019.

Forget traditional audio guides. All you need is in your pocket.

Essential and immediate, the app that will guide you during your visit without diverting your attention from the artworks.

You will find 22 of the most beautiful and important works being shown at the exhibition (50 in total) with descriptions and audios in Italian and English.


Easy and smart access to info
Discover artworks through the exploration page and find them grouped by position or thematic areas.
Use textual research to find them by typing the title or number.
Add artworks to your favorite collection to find them quickly and to share them with your friends.


Image, Audio, Details
Wear headphones or bring your phone to your ear and let yourself be guided by narrations.
Look at the images and discover the the artworks details to better appreciate them.


Image recognition
Recognize artworks by framing them with your camera.
If they are in the app, you’ll be able to immediately access the corresponding information.


Interactive maps
Check the position of artworks to better move around and locate yourself.
Find rooms and artworks and explore each detail.
Don’t forget to turn on bluetooth: let us suggest the closest works as you walk through the halls and if you really don’t want to get distracted, put your phone in your pocket and use your earphones as a remote control.


Art belongs to everyone. Accessibility is one of the issues we most cherish.
This app can be used the same way by sighted people and people with visual impairments: nobody shall be left behind!

Smart interaction

Discover artworks through the exploration page and find them grouped by position or artist. Use textual research to find them typing the title or artist name. Add artworks to your favorite collection to find them quickly.

Image, Audio, Details

Wear headphones or bring your phone to your ear and let yourself be guided by narrations. Look at the images or discover the details of the artworks to better appreciate them.


Discover the events promoted by the museum

Interactive maps

Check the position of artworks to better move around and locate yourself. Find rooms and artworks and explore each detail.


Can use all features without internet connection. Download the app and choose you language, you don't need anything else.


Art belongs to everyone. Accessibility is one of the issues we most cherish. This app can be used the same way by sighted people and people with visual impairments: nobody shall be left behind!

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