ITCares sponsors the exhibition dedicated to the work of Fernando Botero being held at Palazzo Pallavicini.

Thanks to the collaboration between Pallavicini srl and ITCares, visitors can enjoy the exhibition through the Botero app, which can be downloaded from the Apple Store and Play Store.
Built through the PharoArt system, the app, by using the location provided by the iBeacon devices, provides the visitor with an immersive, interactive and accessible experience making the visit even more engaging and exciting.

The exhibition consists of 50 unique works that have never beenexhibited in Bologna before, including a series of drawings with mixed techniques and a fine set of watercolours on canvas. The exhibition’s seven sections mirror the subjects preferred by the artist and emphasize the poetic gaze Botero looks at the world with, offering a beauty made of abundant volumes, captivating colours and an original iconography. A visionary hymn to existence that delves into the act of drawing intended as the foundation of shape, primary and essential instrument of beauty.

Among the selected subjects there are characters related to bullfighting and the circus, silent and balanced still lifes, delicate nudes, religious personalities, individuals depicted in their everyday life activities: a visual parade that testifies to Botero’s intense visual research, aimed at the establishment of its ownpeculiarstyle.

Hidden among the works exhibited lie the secrets of life; the corpulent volumes hide people or objects waiting for an accidental or intentional movement. Perfectly balanced between irony and nostalgia, dreamlike atmospheres and fairy-tale reality, Italian classicism and South American culture, Botero’s art stands for a figurative and personal style which is able – and surely will be also on this occasion – to involve and fascinate the beholders since the very first glance.


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